By Edward Hanna
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- Australasia (35)
- Authoritarianism (384)
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- Democratic Socialism (20)
- Demographic Decline (1)
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- Downward Mobility (1)
- Employment (118)
- Food Insecurity (21)
- Homelessness (16)
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- Inequality (425)
- Inflation (5)
- infrastructure (10)
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- Market Crash (10)
- Middle Class (61)
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- Neoliberalism (203)
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- Weapons sales (7)
- Education (174)
- Energy (1,735)
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- Fossil Fuels (326)
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- Green ammonia (5)
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- Green Hydrogen (8)
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- Hydroelectric (15)
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- Climate Change (1,656)
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- Denialism (147)
- Desalinization (4)
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- Environmental Investment (1)
- Extreme Heat (392)
- Extreme Weather (297)
- Flooding (138)
- Food Supply (3)
- Forests (18)
- Green New Deal (41)
- Green Recycling (2)
- Greenwashing (3)
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- Soil Carbon Release (14)
- Super Storms (265)
- wildfires (240)
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- Climate Crisis (1,321)
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- Ecology (10)
- Environmentalism (393)
- Green Transportation (252)
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Climate Change
Fighting Climate Change by Halting Overfishing
By Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia | – Amid the escalating threats of a warming world, and with the latest annual United Nations global climate conference (COP28) behind us, there is one critical message that’s often left out of the climate change discourse. Halting overfishing is itself effective climate action. This argument is the […]
If melting Glaciers shut down the Atlantic Gulf Stream, Extreme Climate Change Catastrophes will Follow
By René van Westen, Utrecht University; Henk A. Dijkstra, Utrecht University; and Michael Kliphuis, Utrecht University | – Superstorms, abrupt climate shifts and New York City frozen in ice. That’s how the blockbuster Hollywood movie “The Day After Tomorrow” depicted an abrupt shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean’s circulation and the catastrophic consequences. While Hollywood’s vision […]
How Trees and Forests Heal us and make for Well-Being,
Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Korean scientists have confirmed that walking through forest areas improved older women’s blood pressure, lung capacity and elasticity in their arteries. Walking in an urban park with trees, or an arboretum, or a rural forest reduces blood pressure, improves cardiac-pulmonary parameters, bolsters mental health, reduces negative thoughts, […]
Old Forests are Essential for Slowing Climate Change: Prohibit Logging Them!
By Beverly Law, Oregon State University and William Moomaw, Tufts University | – (The Conversation) – Forests are an essential part of Earth’s operating system. They reduce the buildup of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion, deforestation and land degradation by 30% each year. This slows global temperature increases and the […]
Global warming on course for Destabilizing 5.2° F. (2.9° C) Rise, UN report warns
Catherine Early ( China Dialogue ) – Countries must make far greater efforts to implement their climate strategies this decade to stand a chance of keeping global temperature rise within 1.5C (2.7F) of the pre-industrial average. Continued delays will only increase the world’s reliance on uncertain carbon dioxide removal technologies (CDR), according to the UN […]
In Earth’s Hottest Year on Record, an Unprecedented 28 Billion-dollar Disasters struck US
By Shuang-Ye Wu, University of Dayton | – National weather analysts released their 2023 billion-dollar disasters list on Jan. 9, just as 2024 was getting off to a ferocious start. A blizzard was sweeping across across the Plains and Midwest, and the South and East faced flood risks from extreme downpours. The U.S. set an […]
Most Americans are Alarmed by Climate Emergency and Gaza Carnage, But Congress is Full of Denialists
Diane Roberts (Florida Phoenix ) – Humans are stupid, and it’s going to get us all killed. Hang on, you say, we humans have built mighty cities, created great art, invented computers, and cured diseases. We went to the freaking moon! All true. Hooray for us. Nevertheless, we suffer from fatal short-termism. Look at Gaza: […]
Iran’s Climate Migration Crisis Could Turn Into National ‘Disaster’
By Golnaz Esfandiari and Mohammad Zarghami | – ( RFE/ RL ) – Record temperatures, prolonged droughts, and the drying up of rivers and lakes are displacing tens of thousands of Iranians each year, experts say. Many of the climate migrants are farmers, laborers, and fishermen who are moving with their families from the countryside […]