Mitt Romney and Joe Biden have canceled campaign events planned for this weekend at Virginia Beach as a massive storm bears down on the east coast of the US. The candidates are fleeing from the East Coast, even though they won’t talk about the key environmental issue of our time. The candidates in this year’s […]
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Masdar – The First Green City (Video)
A tour of Masdar, in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates — the world’s first city powered entirely by green energy. Video by Robert Llewellyn, “Fully Charged.” Here is the video:
California gasoline crisis shows Desirability of Hybrid, Electric Cars
The Big Oil lobby is always talking about how unreliable wind and solar energy are. They say the wind doesn’t blow all the time, and the sun doesn’t shine at night. But actually, there are ways, such as hydropumps, to store renewable energy for use later. And increasingly sophisticated computer programs are getting good at […]
Morocco more Forward-Looking on Green Energy than Mitt Romney (Film)
Desertec and Morocco’s future as a solar and wind energy powerhouse. Or, how veiled young Moroccan Muslim women engineers are more clear-eyed about the future than Mitt Romney. “We are too dependent on petroleum imports . . .” Desertec films explains: Morocco has plans to generate 2 gigawatts of power from solar by 2020.
Extreme Oil: Costly, Dirty and Dangerous (Klare)
Michael T. Klare writes at The New “Golden Age of Oil” That Wasn’t Forecasts of Abundance Collide with Planetary Realities By Michael T. Klare Last winter, fossil-fuel enthusiasts began trumpeting the dawn of a new “golden age of oil” that would kick-start the American economy, generate millions of new jobs, and free this country […]
Top Ten ways Corporate Food is Making us Fat and threatening our Food Supplies
While it is much better than the fascisms of the Right and the Left, one of the big drawbacks of corporate democracy is that the people are often outgunned. Large corporations account for half of the national economy and pay more for lobbyists to write and pass laws in Congress favorable to themselves than they […]
Romney shills for dirty Big Coal as Obama touts Iowa Wind Power
Wind energy is on a roll in the United States, having doubled since 2008 to 50 gigawatts, enough to power 13 million homes. So why is Mitt Romney bad-mouthing it in favor of dirty, world-destroying fuel like coal? Even other Republicans are annoyed at Romney about this stance, and on Tuesday President Obama had a […]
Two Ways Mitt Romney Really Will Kill lots of People
Controversy is swirling about a poorly argued attack ad done by a super PAC that is pro-Obama, which accuses Mitt Romney of being responsible for throwing a family where the wife had cancer out of health insurance when he closed the company. The case seems convoluted and the argument tenuous. Romney isn’t responsible for people […]
The Collapse of the Climate Change Contrarians and the End of Coal
It is not proper to speak of “climate skeptics,” since all scientists (including we social scientists) are skeptical of all data and theories every day, all the time, and are willing to change our position if enough information and analysis emerges to challenge the old paradigms. But beyond just skeptics, there are always in any […]