By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Democratic Party has been the Establishment for eight years, and the Clintons have arguably been the Establishment for 24 years. Since the late 1990s, members of the white working class with high school or less have seen their life-chances radically decline, even to the point […]
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Hillary Clinton
Top 5 Times the FBI intervened to Help the US Right Wing
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – What is unusual about the FBI’s intervention in the 2016 election is not the intervention. The FBI tries to shape US politics every day. They actually used hashtags to put supporters of Black Lives Matter under surveillance. It is that they are doing it openly and […]
Top 5 urgent Climate Change/Election Stories MSM Suppressed
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – I used the word “suppressed” in the title quite deliberately. Corporate television media in the United States is colluding in a cover-up of the threat of climate change, and they have specifically blacked out the climate change issue with regard to this election. The guilty parties […]
FBI Faction Hostile to Clinton Possibly Behind Leaks
TeleSur | – – Current FBI agents have told outlets that there are elements within the agency leaking info in order to favor Donald Trump. FBI Director James Comey was driven in part by a fear of leaks from within his agency when he decided to tell Congress the FBI was investigating newly discovered emails […]
Polls: Capt. Trump aiming GOP Flight 2016 at nearest mountain
David Faris | (Informed Comment) | – – In weighted opinion polls, Hillary Clinton crushed Donald J. Trump in Wednesday night’s debate, with a 10 to 13 percent spread. On Wednesday night, an accomplished, intelligent woman with painstakingly constructed plans for the future of American society and a wonk’s grasp on policy once again spent […]
Hillary Clinton Roasts Donald Trump At 2016 Al Smith Dinner
Fox 10 Phoenix | (Video) | – – “Hillary Clinton isn’t holding back against Donald Trump at the annual Al Smith dinner in New York. Clinton joked that if Trump didn’t like what she was saying, then he could “shout `wrong.”‘ She added that she was surprised Trump let her go second because “I didn’t […]
Clinton brings back Gore, talks Green, but still Opposes Carbon Tax
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Miami with Al Gore, attempting both to shore up her credentials with both environmentalists and Millennial youth. Gore, Bill Clinton’s vice president, very narrowly lost the 2000 election to George W. Bush, mainly because of a disputed Florida count. Gore […]
Vote For Hillary Clinton Or Die in a Fiery Apocalypse: A Letter To Young Progressives
By David Faris | (Informed Comment) | – – Dear young progressives, If recent polls are to be believed, younger progressive voters like you are either preparing to vote in unusually large numbers for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, or planning to stay home. If you’re going to stop reading […]
Trump: Disarm Sec. Clinton’s bodyguards: & “let’s see what happens to her.”
CNN | (Video News Report) | – – “During a Miami rally, Donald Trump wondered aloud what would happen to Hillary Clinton should her Secret Service detail be disarmed, saying “take their guns away, let’s see what happens to her.” CNN: “Trump: Take guns from Clinton security, see what happens”